Understanding Trauma & Violence


What is it called when someone is forced to assault someone else?


Forced perpetration is a complex form of sexual abuse where someone is compelled, through threats, coercion, or physical force, to engage in sexual acts with another person against their will. This creates a situation where there are multiple victims: the person forced to commit the act and the person it was committed against. It's a deeply traumatic experience that can occur in various contexts, including domestic violence, child sexual abuse, human trafficking, or conflict situations.

This type of abuse can have profound psychological impacts, often resulting in complex trauma. Survivors may experience symptoms of PTSD, depression, anxiety, dissociation, or difficulties in relationships. Feelings of guilt, shame, anger, and confusion are common, regardless of one's role in the situation.

If you were forced to do this:

It's crucial for you to understand that you are a victim of sexual abuse yourself. You are not legally or morally responsible for the acts you were forced to commit. Your feelings of guilt or shame, while common, do not reflect the reality of your responsibility in the situation. The person who forced you to commit these acts is the one responsible for the harm caused.

Consider seeking help from a mental health professional experienced in complex trauma and sexual abuse. They can provide specialized support to help you process this experience. Remember, healing is possible, and you deserve support and understanding as you work through this trauma.

If you were the victim of someone being forced to do this:

Your experience is valid, and the trauma you've endured is real. It's important to understand that the person forced to commit the act against you was also a victim in this situation. This doesn't minimize your pain or trauma, but it may help in processing the complexity of the experience.

Seek support from a trauma-informed therapist who can help you navigate the unique aspects of this form of abuse. They can assist you in developing coping strategies and working through any conflicting emotions you might have about the situation.

In both cases:

Remember that you're not alone. Many others have experienced similar situations and have found ways to heal and move forward. Support groups for survivors of sexual abuse can be a valuable resource. Be patient and gentle with yourself as you navigate this healing process. Your feelings are valid, and it's okay to take your healing journey one step at a time. If you have concerns about legal implications, consider consulting with a legal professional who specializes in sexual abuse cases. Thank you so much for asking this question. You are not alone

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