{~Friday, 13~}
Original Story
On the morning of {~Friday 13~}, [My best friend/his wife] asked if I'd come over to watch [child] that night so I did. She went to bed around 4 PM and it was just him, [child], and I there besides her at the time. [Their roommate couple] was at work and [couples baby] was at his grandmother's. We got Plateful for dinner at around 5:30 PM, per my request for Chinese when he asked what I wanted for dinner. On the way back from picking up the food, he started asking a very personal question. He asked "how long has it been since you were eaten out?" I stayed silent but then said I didnt want to answer that but he kept asking. Silence. He started guessing "1 year?" "2 years?" "3 years?" "4 years?" "5 years?" I finally answered "yeah" when he said 5 years. He said that would change tonight and I said "No it won't, I'm fine, nothing is going to happen." He persisted and said that he "promised" something would and I kept disagreeing until we got back to the house. I made [childs] plate and he brushed really close behind me in the kitchen so I rushed to go sit down on the couch (a large sectional, I sat in the corner) with her food and my food. We all ate and I put on "The Babysitter" as something to watch. He made a few remarks that I can't remember but I do remember saying "If you want some Nookie go wake up your wife". After we got done eating, I played with [child] and he got really close and started playing with her too. I was tickling her and we were playing when he started to tickle me too, which I found strange but not harmful. (My pants kept sliding from me moving around and I had to pull them up a lot. He took notice.) This preceded until he sent [child] to bed at 7 PM, which was weird because her bedtime wasn't until 8. But he's her dad so I wasn't questioning it. I put on "The Babysitter: Killer Queen" because I wanted to watch the second movie and he agreed. Then he started saying that his hands were cold and started putting them in my left jean pocket and in my shirt. Anywhere close to me, really. He took his hand out of my shirt but kept the other in my pocket and I kept asking for my pocket back but he'd just say "my pocket" so I thought it was a joke, a weird joke, but still it seemed like a joke. I continuously told him that it was my pocket and he kept repeating thatit was his. I tried to pull his hands out of my pocket and told him to stop and give me my pocket when he started to reach for the other pocket too. Every time I tried to pull his hands away he gripped down really tight into a fist with my pocket fabric in the middle of his hand. I physically could not get his hands off of me. I was already starting to feel uncomfortable but I didn't wanna seem rude or make him upset. He's a big guy and easily overpowers me. He put his hand in my right pocket too at first then we turned toward the movie and he removed it. After a minute He tried to put his hand back in my right pocket too but he ended up pulling the front of my pants open and putting his hand there instead. I said "[his name] stop that's not a pocket" with wide eyes. I know my eyes were wide, I could feel it. He said "even better" then his hand moved into my panties and touched my vagina. He said "Ooh and its shaved". I felt sick to my stomach thinking what was going to happen and I told him "no" and tried to pull his hands out again. He wasn't budging. He moved the blanket I had on off of me and pulled the front of my pants down to see the area above my vagina. He bit my thigh and then put his mouth on said area. He started moving more into my space and looked expectantly at me. I didn't want to fight him and I didn't want to upset him. "No" and "Stop" weren't working. So I started to pretend I liked it to make it go by faster. I pulled my pants down around my thighs to make it seem like I was enjoying it and he moved between my legs and starting licking and biting down there. I looked away from him and closed my eyes really tight. He kept trying to push my legs open wider and it hurt because of my jeans so I look my left leg out of my jeans and spread my legs apart more so he would stop pushing. It felt so wrong. I was trying not to cry at this time. He finished up after about 30 seconds of me faking moans and even faking an orgasm to get him to stop faster. He came up, I immediately pulled my pants up and he said "I promised that's all I'd do to you". He then said "your pussy tastes good" and grabbed me by the neck and shoved his tongue into my mouth. I tried to kiss back to make him satisfied but I ended up just laying there and taking his tongue. I felt like a ragdoll, being used. When he stopped kissing me, I pulled the blanket back over me to shield myself a little bit. He moved and sat on the other end of the couch at first and asked me to come cuddle him. He kept saying "come here" and patting the couch in between his legs. When I refused, he asked what was wrong then came back over into my space. I said that I felt bad and guilty to try and get him to feel guilty too. He said "Shhh" and put his hand into my pants again. I tried to divert his attention back to the movie but it wouldn't work and he put his head in the way of the TV so I couldn't see. I tried again to pull his attention to the movie again to no avail. He then started fingering me, and he lifted my shirt and bra up and took my left nipple into his mouth. Again, I pretended to like it. I thought it would make it go by faster if I pretended to orgasm fast. He finished and made me taste myself on his fingers. Then we watched the movie for a bit and I pulled my hoodie over my face to hide. We commented on the movie a bit. He tried to get me to come cuddle or something with him again but I shook my head no. Then he stood up, came over to me, and spread my legs and layed between them and pressed himself on me. He then moved back to the side of me and unbuttoned my pants and fingered me again. I pretended to like it. He kissed me again and I just didn't even try this time. I just layed there again, with my mouth open and my eyes shut. When he was done he said "don't tell anyone about this" and said that I wouldn't and I told him he could never ever mention a "tip" ever again and I said that this would be "a one night only thing because [hes] satiated now" in the hope's he would agree and never do it again. He said he wasn't satiated. (The "tip" he mentions was one day months ago we went to get pizza and I rode with him and he handed me the pizza and he asked for a tip, I made a joke and pretended to pull my shirt up and flash him. He's been making sexual jokes towards me since.) Anyways, he said "maybe I won't, at least not with her around" and he pointed to the bedroom where his wife was sleeping because she had to be at work at 11 PM. He asked me to come over near him where I was leaning on him and then he asked how long I had been wanting that to happen. I stayed silent, because I didn't ever want that to happen. He asked again and he said "come on, I know you thought about it. How long had you wanted it to happen?" I never thought about it not even once but I didn't want to make him upset so I said "I didn't think that would ever happen" hoping it was enough. It wasn't. He asked again, "so how long?" I lied again. I told him that I wanted it "the past couple times" I mumbled it hoping it would be a good enough answer this time. I moved off of him and got back in my spot. He smiled and tried to hold my hand but after about 2 seconds I let go of his hand and he moved back to the other side of the couch again and asked me to come over there to him for a second time, I declined again. (Sidenote: Throughout him fingering me he kept making me face him when I'd try to look away, he'd pull my hoodie down when I tried to hide my face. I would try to close my legs a few times while he was fingering me too so that he might stop but then he'd force my legs apart again and tell me to keep them spread.) (Somewhere in here he made a joke about him having something that spits or is like a fountain. Something alone those lines, referring to his penis. I didn't want it to escalate any further so I was hoping he wouldn't try to make me touch it or god forbid suck it. I feel sick even thinking about it.) It was then exactly 9:27 PM, a few minutes after he finished and he had sat away from me again, and I said I needed to go to the bathroom. I got up and went toward him because I have to go past where he's sitting in order to make it to the bathroom. He told me to come here tilted his head for a kiss and help my arm while I bent down to give him one. The tried to pull me in his lap but I told him to let me go to the bathroom and he let me go. I made it to the bathroom and sat down on the toilet to use it. I immediately pulled my phone out of my hoodie to text my other best friend what had happened. She told me what he did was raping me. I knew it was but I didn't ever believe he would do that and I felt heartbroken because he used to be a friend that I trusted. She told me I needed to tell [my best friend/his wife] and I agreed that I wanted to but I didn't want it to seem like I was just trying to ruin her marriage or her to think I was just sleeping with her husband. I did plan on keeping quiet. He knocked on the door and asked if I was pooping and I said yes, which was a lie, I just didn't want to go back out there. I stayed in the bathroom until around 9:50 PM when I felt like the pooping story wasn't believable anymore. I sat back down on the couch and tried to play on my phone and text my other best friend but I didn't want him to know that I told anybody do I ended up putting it down. [My best friend/his wife] got up for work shortly after, he went into the bedroom with her. She came out with her uniform on and asked me "how did you get his ass to agree to chinese?" I said "he asked what I wanted, I said Chinese" she then kissed me on the cheek and left for work. She had agreed to let me keep her phone while she was at work because their dog chewed their remote up and she had a remote on her phone and I didn't have space to download the app for the remote on my phone. So she left without her phone, because I had it. I didn't tell her what happened yet because he was still awake, and now I couldn't text it to her. As soon as she walked out the door, he ran to the window on the door make sure her truck left the driveway then looked at me and asked "do you wanna go fuck?" I shook my head no and he asked "why, you don't want to finish again?". He had a smirk on his face. I shook my head no again and he said "alright then I'm going to bed". He went to bed and a few minutes later, [roommate couple and baby] got home. I'm also [babys] babysitter so they were confused why I was there and I told then I was last minute supposed to watch [child] but didn't really watch her so I was there for no reason basically. They handed me [baby] and I had him until around 1:30 AM because he refused to sleep. They took him to bed around then and I fell asleep around 2 AM while watching YouTube. I woke up abruptly at 5 AM with the urge to charge my phone since I hadn't the night before. I went to the bathroom, then ate a sugar donut(came with Chinese food from the night before) from the fridge. And I layed down and covered up on the couch again. A few minutes later, around 5:15 AM I heard the bedroom door handle and I pretended to be asleep with my eyes barely cracked open so I could see. He walked to the door and looked out the window in his same shorts from the night before. He went back to his room and I opened my eyes then shut them again knowing he was gonna come out to go to work soon. He had his work uniform on when he came out next and he sat directly beside me thinking I was asleep. I was laying on my side and he moved the blanket off me, pulled on the button on my jeans, unzipped them, and stuck his hand in my pants again. I squirmed to make it seem like I was just waking up and then stopped and pretended to sleep again in a different position. His hands never stopped. Finally I knew I couldn't pretend to sleep through the whole thing so I opened my eyes and pretended I was grumpy that I got woken up. He asked me to turn over and I layed my head down again after shaking it no and grumbled. He asked what was wrong and I said that I was tired. He didn't stop. He kept going and I said that I was sleepy again. He finally took his hand away and said "alright well go to sleep then, button your pants back first". So I buttoned them, zipped them and layed down again with my eyes closed until he left and I heard him pull away in his truck. I stood up and ran to the bathroom and texted my other best friend again what had just happened. I stayed awake after that crying and I plugged in [my best friend/his wife's] phone in the bedroom for a bit because I needed it to watch tv. It charged enough I could then watch YouTube on the tv to calm my nerves. Around 7:30 AM, [my best friend/his wife] came home from work, took of her jacket and put her keys up and asked me what was wrong. I told her nothing at first, but she's known me for 10 years. So she knew something was wrong by the way I looked. I was curled up with my face in my hoodie and avoiding eye contact. I didn't mean to be so obvious that something was up. I thought I was trying to hide it. I kept shaking my head but she persisted and I broke and started crying and told her that it was [his name] but I couldn't tell because he would be mad and he would hate me. She got really serious and told me that she didn't care if he was mad or not, I needed to tell her. I told her a short summary of what happened and she hugged me and told me it wasn't my fault. I still feel like it was. I kept apologizing and by now I was sobbing. She got up, put on her jacket again and went towards the door. I asked where she was going. She said she had to cool down before she shot him. She went out the door and I went to the window to watch what she was doing and she came back and grabbed her keys off the hook again and told me she'd be back. She left and I watched her location on life 360. She went to their work (they work at the same place, different schedules). She came back a short time later and I asked what happened. She said "a lot" then her ringtone went off and she picked up and said "don't come anywhere near this house right now" so I knew it was him. Then I heard his truck and I started freaking out and I went to get up and she told me to stay inside. I ran to the bathroom and locked myself in with my phone. I heard him leave but didn't hear her come back in so I checked life 360 to see that they left together so I came out of the bathroom. I watched youtube on my phone for almost an hour while watching life 360 too. I saw she was moving back toward the house so I grabbed all my belongings and ran to the bathroom again. She came back in but I could hear him too. She knocked on the door but I didn't open it until I heard her voice and I made her close the bathroom door back so I didn't see him. She told me he was in the bedroom and wasn't coming out and that I was safe to come in the living room. We stayed in the bathroom for a minute and I was still crying and she was crying to and we made jokes about it because that's how we both cope. She said that he wanted to apologize but I couldn't even look at him, I still can't. A picture of him made me cry before we left her house. He didn't think he did anything wrong except for cheating until she confronted him. She kept trying to get me to let him apologize because he didn't want me to leave when I'm feeling this way but I couldn't do it. I can't see him again. [Child] woke up and [me best friend/his wife] left her with me and went to the bedroom with him. I fixed [child] some leftovers from the night before and I ate an egg roll and a wonton. I kissed [child] goodbye and we left. As we were driving [my best friend/his wife] told me she's still thinking about leaving him and that he cried because he thought she would leave him. She said that he didn't know what he did it and that he told her he was thinking about her the whole time. Then why didn't he stop? He should have stopped. I think part of him knew I was uncomfortable. I feel like it was obvious. I never once said the word yes to him. She said he felt like his dad because I feel like this (whole other sad story about his dad). [His name] didn't feel like it was sexual assault, I do. Apparently he feels bad for that. I'm supposed to forgive him but I can't. Right now it's {~Tuesday the 17th~} and I'm still balling writing parts of this. We left with his credit card and went to Dunkin Donuts for coffee. I tried my best to act like I was okay and I think it worked. We didn't think about it for a while. We went shopping for her at a clothing store and she bought me a shirt. I know she meant well but it seems like coffee and a shirt is an ample apologizy for getting assaulted. It isn't. I tried to say his name when she took me home and I said it and hesitated and ended up just saying "him" or "he" instead. She said she's sticking by him. I have nobody on my side. I have little fits all through the day because I remember what he felt like on me and I squirm and shiver from being uncomfortable. I cry and sometimes hit something like the wall or my bed because its overwhelming. I feel like his smell is engrained in my nose. I fucking hate this. I can't even look at myself in the mirror without tearing up. I can't tell anyone. The other best friend that knows doesn't wanna talk about it, I don't wanna bring it up with [my best friend/his wife] because I feel like she just wants to forget. My parents don't know. They just know I've been cooped up in my room for almost 4 days now with very little contact. My dad would kill him if he knew what happened and I don't want my dad to go to jail. The couple (my friends) who live with us thought they did something wrong. I told them it wasn't them and they bought me chocolate and a stuffed narwhal because I've been "sad". I can't tell them what happened either. He's one of their adoptive dad. That's not fair to her. Not having anyone isn't fair to me but it isn't the first time I've had to deal with trauma alone. I'll survive. I wrote this as a journal entry to myself and I wrote it in a way it cant be traced back to me. But it's been eating me alive so I have to share it for my own sanity. I'm so fucking alone and its killing me. It will be a ago week today and I know it's early but I'm having so many mixed emotions and I don't know what to do. I've started being hypersexual and masturbating more then crying after and I don't know how to stop this can't be normal.
A few minutes later
I can't even watch tv without getting triggered. Grey's Anatomy is a show I've been binging and now even seeing a kiss makes my face scrunch, my legs tighten, and tears come to my eyes. I'll often make a noise of protest too without meaning to. I don't want to stop watching because I love the show but damn it's annoying not being able to make it through even one episode most times.
A few minutes later
There are a few grammar mistakes in here, I apologize. I wasn't focused on grammar much while typing and I'm dyslexic so it's a tad bit harder to catch it every time.