(Former) Administrative Assistant @ {~University~}
Historia original
I was physically and mentally assaulted by my Center Director at {~University~} on multiple occasions. After each incident, I called the police. The Director even got into an altercation with the police the 2nd time, which I managed to film. Even though I had been reporting various incidents, ongoing discrimination and bullying within his center for over a year to HR, leading to the assaults, HR only responded when I got the police involved. Rather than dealing with a perpetrator, they coerced me to take administrative leave and told me that they couldn’t have me keep calling the police. {~University~} has their own police department and they refused to release (to me or my attorney) the police report I filed. HR did an “investigation” which falsely accused me of lying about the incident. I was a dedicated employee with a good record and no write ups. {~University~} victim blamed and shamed. The directors colleagues made up the deciding panel and went along with the selective story told by the {~University~} HR “investigator”. They then went on to open a second investigation stating that I broke company policy by making a false claim; which I did not. That investigation led to my termination.