Historia original
I just learned what the term COCSA is. I’ve been in trauma therapy for a year and finally told my therapist, after 8 years of seeing her, what happened to me when I was a kid. I was around 6 years old. One of my best friends, who was also a girl, told me that she wanted to play a game. Once she started doing what she was doing, I felt really confused and scared. She threatened to tell her mom that I was mean to her if I told anyone what was happening. This happened for years and she also introduced me to other things like pornography. One time, her mom caught us naked and SCREAMED at us. Another time, MY mom caught us but only shut the door and never talked to us about it. Two adults saw the inappropriate touching between children and neither of them did anything. And unfortunately, I ended up doing the same thing to another friend, because I thought it must be normal and okay. I was only 7 years old but I hate that I did this to another person, too. It happened to me but I made it happen for someone else. For over 15 years, I kept that shame all to myself: obviously nothing happened to me because she was also a girl, a year younger than me, and i never stopped it and neither did the adults. And then the extra shame now that I put another person through that, and who knows how it’s affected her to this day? My heart aches for little me. Things would’ve been different if the adults who saw what was happening did something to stop it.