Women should always help other women
Original Story
Hi hope this help me in healing in some way, Daughter of Strong Mom & supported by strong sisters still it made me scared when i faced sexual harassment at my office . It was new city new job got so much support from office people around joined this company in {~Date~} , shifted to {~City 1~} from {~City 2~} in {~Date 2~} till {~Date 3~} everything was great till that dreadful {~Date 4~} came in i was at my highest & happiest point in my job being HR Manager in that company people being happy everyone being so supportive but i never knew the CEO is harboring ill intention towards me. 1) {~Date 5~}: - One fine day CEO called me for one-on-one lunch at restaurant opposite to our office. These 1-1’s are done with core committee members of which I was also a part. During that lunch he asked me personal probing questions like why & when did I get divorced (he already knew about my divorce), how bad my marriage was? Why I have never forgiven my husband? Such questions were too intrusive and made me really uncomfortable. 2) {~Date 6~}: - We were in our office and about to leave for home at around {~Time~}, CEO, who lives close to my house, for the first time, offered to drop me home. I accepted his offer as it was late, and on the way, he suddenly asked me to join him for a one-on-one dinner at {~Restaurant~} which I accepted. During this dinner, CEO spoke unfavourably about my reporting manager and his wife, which made me feel uneasy. He was very demeaning about her work and overall thinking, claiming that she doesn’t understand anything about business and life. 3) Right Next day of this incident: - The following day, in the morning hours of office , CEO saw me and his wife my reporting manager discussing something and immediately called me to his cabin and specifically instructed me not to mention about our dinner on the previous night to his wife as he had told her that he was out dining with a friend. I was caught in a dilemma and didn’t know what to tell her. It was clear that CEO had lied to his wife about our dinner. This event was discomforting to me as I could not understand why he would lie to his wife about this. 4) 2 days later: - CEO asked me & 3 other senior female employees to join for a dinner after office. During this dinner, I received a call from his wife which I missed as I was engrossed in a discussion. Then she made call to one of the other senior female who received her call and informed her that we were all out for dinner with CEO. As soon as he realised this, he was furious and shouted at that senior female employee for receiving his wife’s call and telling her about the dinner plan. This was very weird for me as I could not understand why he would do such a thing. Then other senior female told me that I should not worry about it too much and not take this personally because my reporting manager comes from village mentality so she always doubted CEO & his intentions. After our dinner CEO again offered to drop me home. We were only the two of us in the car wherein He again started demeaning and making derogatory comments about his wife and suggested that I should not share anything with her as she would not understand due to her "small village mentality’’, which again made me uncomfortable. This was the first time when I realised that CEO says such things about his wife to every one at company & people believe him blindly. 5) {~Date 7~}: - We had a team dinner party , wherein I was talking to my other colleagues and I did speak a lot to one of the COO that evening, which was observed by CEO who then confronted me and asked me not to befriend anyother COO or spend too much time with them. 6) Same week: - CEO asked me 2nd time to join him for one-on-one dinnerduring which he repeated those negative comments about his wife and specifically mentioned that “she does not love company the way he does” . CEO also claimed that “no one in leadership team understood him due to their orthodox thinking”. He once again offered to drop me home and, on our way, back from dinner. He started touching my shoulders & hands inappropriately, which I immediately told him not to do so and very clearly explained that I am already in relationship & these things are making me very uncomfortable to which he responded saying Ok and stopped doing it then. 7) After couple of days: - He again asked me out for dinner and mentioned that this was his way to apologise for the events that occurred a couple of days ago. He also assured me that he would not drink during the meal. He also apologised during the dinner for his behaviour. During this dinner I clearly expressed my discomfort about being alone with him & refused to go for any more one on one dinners with him. He remained silent and then dropped me back home. 8) In the same week: - After an office party , CEO was drunk and made unwanted advances towards me while driving me back home. He stopped his car on the way to my home, and spoke about how the rest of COO’s were taking advantage of his friendship & sometimes he feels lonely. He then tried to hold my hand and leaned towards me, which made me uncomfortable and I warned him then that I would report him if he continued to behave inappropriately with me. After listening to this he remained silent and dropped me home. After each incident next day he would come & appologise & ask for forgiveness in name of his childrens which really made me in very trapped place those times. 9) Last week of {~Date 2~}: - During an office party , I observed CEO was rubbing shoulders of another female junior colleague which made me uncomfortable and furious as I had realised his ill intentions towards me and maybe he was harbouring similar ill intentions towards other female colleagues. I felt helpless and trapped and was not able to explain to others what was happening to me. So, I stormed out of cafeteria & all the rest of the female colleagues came after me to ask why I had left. Then I requested some of the ladies for a smoke break downstairs in which one of Senior employee also accompanied us and enquired about my reaction as to why I came out and was insisting on leaving the party immediately. While we were there till around {~Time 2~}, CEO came down and asked Admin Manager, to bring his car around and started insisting that I should get in the car with him so that he can drop me home, to which I shouted that I did not want to be alone in the car with him. Despite my protests, nobody seemed to be listening. I then said that if any other female gets in the car, only then would I get in. Eventually, on eof the lady accompanied me, but even in the car, I was crying and was furious when CEO attempted to touch my shoulder. I told him not to touch me. At that moment, female colleague of mine who was seated in the rear seat, whispered to me, asking why I was reacting like this, stating that he was the CEO and could fire us the next day. We just took a round in the car and came back to the office. I felt helpless and went back upstairs to office cafeteria. He then threatened me not to create a scene and insisted he would drop me home, which he did. Later that same night, I shared these events with my boyfriend, who suggested that I should report this officially and quit my job. 10) Next day only: - I confronted CEO in his office and informed him that I wished to quit my job. He tried to convince me that I had misunderstood everything; but then went on to threaten me that I would face serious consequences if I reported anything, especially to his wife . He also stated that I could never refuse to attend office parties or deny him when he would offer a ride. I realised that I was completely trapped and was being harassed. 11) Same week: - When my boyfriend came to pick me up CEO lterally stopped me & forced me to stay and have dinner with the team at the office cafeteria, but I stood firm and left for the day. 12) {~Date 8~}: - CEO asked me to come to his cabin and told me ‘‘we will go to other city as we also have hiring activities scheduled there” to which I immediately asked who else would accompany us during this visit? He then mentioned that “nobody can come as they are all busy with something”. He sensed my hesitation and then clearly said “That he is really attracted tiwards me & want to have sex with me”. Hearing this I immediately left the cabin and went into another cabin where he followed me and tried to convince me. This is where I again made it very clear that I was not interested in anything like this as I was in a committed relationship and that he was crossing the line and making me uncomfortable to which he quickly apologized. However, I no longer felt safe around him and insisted to him that there should be always be another person present whenever I needed to communicate with him as one on one communication with him in his cabin or anywhere else was harassing and uncomfortable. After that incident of me outrightly rejecting his advances, his behaviour towards me took a turn for the worse. He began to disrespect and target me in the presence of the leadership team. Whenever I brought this up as a concern to my reporting manager on any COO's, they dismissed it by saying that when CEO is in a bad mood, he talks like that, and suggested that I should approach him individually to resolve the issue. However, when I tried to ask CEO why was he behaving this way he told me very clearly that it’s his choice to treat someone differently without any reason. 13) Last week of {~Date 9~}: - During an HR meeting with the leadership team, he very rudely and incorrectly stated that I do not do my work & simply make up excuses & stories around it. Although I remained quiet at the time, I later expressed to to few of the senior employees at office that I couldn't tolerate this kind of disrespectful behaviour towards me. But they all dismissed it by saying that CEO's behaves like that with everyone, but I told them that I expect to be treated with professional respect. One of the guy even suggested that I take some time off during the upcoming holiday to reflect on how I should be dealing with this toxic behaviour. 14) By next week: - I had to take a sick leave because I wasn't feeling well and was mentally stressed out. On that day, CEO made my reporting manager do a conference call on my phone and in front of her, he upfrontly mocked me for my sick leave. This comment made me feel even more stressed out as it seemed like he was taunting me. Furthermore, whenever he was in the office, he specifically wanted me to be physically present at work even though we follow a hybrid work model, and this caused me additional stress. 15) Month end of {~Date 9~}: - I was feeling harassed, disrespected, tortured and trapped and could not take it anymore. I decided to confide in our company {~Titled Person~} about CEO's behaviour as we do have POSH law being followed at our company. Even she agreed that CEO behaviour towards me had changed drastically, and asked if I wanted to report it. However, she also questioned how I would prove it and expressed concerns about this ruining CEO family if I were to report it to IC comittee. Her response made me change my mind about reporting the incident, and She personally assured me that she would speak with CEO so that he would not repeat such behaviour towards me again. Although I felt somewhat reassured, looking back, now I realize that I may have been manipulated and should have reported the incident to the LCC at that time itself. 16) {~Date 10~}: - During our office photoshoot, post Client Servicing team’s meeting in CEO asked rest of the team to leave and asked only me to stay back & apologised to me one-on one stating that he was having some issues in his personal life due to which he behaved inappropriately with me. I again reminded him that I have already asked to have third person involved in every discussion as I’m not at all comfortable being alone in the same space as him. I also mentioned that I was not interested in his personal life and want to strictly maintain a professional working relationship. 17) {~Date 11~}: - CEO continuously insisted that I have alcohol with him during our company's Annual Day Award ceremony , even in front of others, despite my clear refusal. He was literally mocking me in front of the hotel staff at the bar. Later that night, I was conversing with team where CEO came suddenly & stayed back to spend some time with team, during that time one of the guy asked CEO whether it was right or wrong for a married man to have feelings for another woman outside of his marriage. CEO looked at me and stated that he believes it is not wrong to have such feelings, but it depends on whether the woman shares those feelings, and it would not be wrong until they start a relationship. This statement again made me uncomfortable, and I left the room after a few minutes. 18) In {~Date 12~} during my appraisal time: - In CEO's cabin, in my one on one conversation he threatened me again about reporting any personal incidents with anybody, and mentioned that my reporting to {~Titled Person~} could have resulted in my termination within two days. He then subtly threatened me to stop reporting things and stated that he had made moves in the past that had caused others to leave company voluntarily. Therefore, if I wanted to secure my job as long as he sits in that chair, I had to do what he says blindly, without giving feedback, asking no questions, and refraining from reporting or sharing things with anyone, particularly with his wife/my reporting Manager. Same evening, we also had a small party in the office cafeteria, while we were in the cafeteria, CEO made a statement in presence of more than 15 employees which was clearly directed at me saying “As a guy, he believes if a guy expresses his feelings to a girl and she says she's not interested or just wants to be friends, it's a tactic from the girl's side to make the guy chase her. This was really frustrating and pathetic to say the least. It made me feel nauseous and uncomfortable again. Later on, I went downstairs with few ladies to smoke and get some fresh air. CEO followed us and asked other ladies to share smoke. During that time, he looked at me and made a comment, "Remember last time when we were standing here, she was crying. She was sad that day, wasn't she?" One of the female employee corrected him, saying that” I was angry but didn't share the reason why”. CEO then looked at me and asked me “why I was angry”. It made me feel like he was mocking me, and all the negative memories came rushing back. I simply replied that” I didn't want to talk about it” and left the party shortly after. 19) Coming Monday: - I resigned from my position and had a detailed one-on-one conversation with both{~Titled Person~} & My reporting Manager where I explained the harassment I had been experiencing since {~Date 1~}. My reporting manager acknowledged that she had suspected something was happening and had confronted CEO about it, but he denied everything. My reporting manager/ his wife now had proof and asked me to confront him with her as there have been issues in their married life & they have been in counselling where she always failed to prove what CEO/her hisband is doing wrong, for this I reminded her that as my reporting manager, I was sharing my reasons and asked if she could guarantee my safety, to which she couldn't give an answer. Therefore,they both requested me to write everything in an email only keeping it marked to them & CC to CEO & not to keep any other COO’s marked in mail and let both pf them conduct an investigation or discussion. As it had become a hostile work environment for me, I felt that my only option was to resign.They never did any investigation or discussion i just left in one day not stating any reason to the team which later made other employees reaching out to me as they all were being told that i was not able to handly my job responsibilities so i just left. After this incident it was almost 7 days i just locked myself in my bedroom not able to eat sleep properly as i was so depressed then my friends suggested to take help from counsellor & should report it to rigth authority which i did, after few days some former female employees contacted me and shared that harassment cases have been occurring in that company for a long time by other male employees too, but no one wants to report them as the people in leadership and some old employees including old female employees are also involved in covering up such cases. The harassment I experienced has left me severely depressed and caused me to lose significant achievements in my career, ultimately resulting in me losing my job. All of this is simply because I refused to engage in any of sexual advances. It is so sad & unfortunate that we are still not getting right support to face such sexal harassments & even females are nbeing part of covering up such harrassments. Hope the enquiry done by authorities yield some positive result but till now their is no response of notice sent to company's CEO, he is living freely & do no care as he is also aware that no body will stand with victim as his own wife can not take stand. I only wish if women become more stronger & authentic in helping each other.
A few weeks later
Continuing the story, it was incredibly challenging to report the harassment to the appropriate authorities. However, with the support of my boyfriend, who encouraged me to speak up from the beginning, we initiated the reporting process. Initially, it was disheartening to see that no one wanted to pay attention to the sexual harassment case. It was especially difficult knowing that He was someone who had always advocated for women empowerment & women safety .However, he himself invaded the privacy of women.. But finally, after a long struggle, my report caught the attention of some officials who have now begun their inquiry. They have sent a notice to him, who shockingly denied the allegations and instead attacked my character, claiming that I am a non-performer seeking promotion through false accusations. He even went as far as proclaiming his loyalty to his wife. However, only his wife and I know the reality of the situation, as she has been silently suffering throughout their marriage, unable to prove his actions. Now, I have given her a chance to make the right choice for her life. It is truly painful to witness a woman being subjected to such mistreatment by a man who has the audacity to present himself as loyal and dignified to the world. In truth, he not only ruins the lives of his wife and children through his actions but also traumatizes me and potentially numerous other women he has harassed. Every day, I pray to God for closure and justice, longing to heal from the months of trauma I endured. I yearn to regain a sense of normalcy, to be able to smile again without the constant reminder of how this deceitful individual destroyed my promising career in a reputable company. I feel deep empathy for the other people in the company who admire and trust this wolf disguised in sheep's clothing. My fervent prayer is that no other young girls fall victim to his charade of being a loyal husband and suffer at his hands. I fear for those who may not have the strength to confront and say no to his actions, as I did. I hope that I can slowly heal and find solace in time, reclaiming my life from the clutches of this harrowing experience.
2 months later
It been long but this battle will also be long one which I knew & I am ready for that too enquiry being going on like forever & now I have started to feel like even enquiry committee is biased as I being not only ou tof city but out of state too so yes my harasser seem to have more alliance & yes money can always overpower the truth so now I have decided to pursue simuntaneously my case in ciurt of justice maybe there I will get some neutral approach rather than being completly facing a biased committee enquiry. And yes court proceedings have started awaiting for dates & also awaiting to cross examining witness provided by my harasser against me & yes I am not at all surprised but he managed to get 80% of witness being woman who are ready to testify that they all are fine going out late night dinner alone with him, texting late at night with him & also travel alone within the city with him as he is such a gentleman. These women have really made me think how much scared we can be for our jobs that we are really ready to give testimony against a harasser although I myself seen how he had treated each one of them with disrespect. Sometime even fear make you do things whoch you might have thought you would never do. For my surprise few woman who actually knew me being harassed & witnessed cetain events where my harasser mocked me or tried to touch me they are ready to say those things never happened at all & irony of it I defended these woman for being disrespected in company as they are hardworking, I even welcomed those women to my place for get together or when they needed shelter to spend night. But I do not regret doing good deeds as I was brought up in this way to do good deed & never expect anything in return to that as God keep count of good & bad deeds & we should not do that isn' it right. I have also just for my safety opened up to one of my friends acquaintance in media who really listened to me & started working on my story too: {~link~} So what I really expect to come out of this as Warrior rather than a Victim of sexual harassment because that what I choose to be Warrior.