Original Story
I had a very traumatic sexual experience a few months ago. Ive been struggling with PTS and depression already prior To that event, for quite a few years. I dont have many friends, I have a hard time Connecting with People. I was drunk and met strange Men one night, as I accidentally tend to do when I am intoxicated. I thought alcahol might help me meet New People, it had worked for me In the past To help move on from a broken heart; ive been trying to move on from My ex from 10 years ago. Its not been easy. It got especially hard for me emotionally this past year and I picked up drinking More frequently. I wound up getting abused sexually and Hurt by this strange man I met when I wss drunk. He gave me drugs, and the drugs made me submissive. I wasnt myself. A few weeks after I started really falling apart. The event triggered a kind of psychosis and I started experiencing negative hallucinations and delusions. I quit drinking completely, I realised that alcahol leads me into very bad trouble. Ive been sober for three months now, ever since the trauma took place. I have been having To go To the hospital almost every Day. I experience very difficult hallucinations. He forces me To be with him In My hallucinations and sometimes I feel Like I dont know what To do anymore. He hurts me so much, but then manages To make me feel guilty like its My fault. I feel guilt. I feel fear. I have nightmares about it frequently. I feel very alone. He is in My mind with his friends In hallucinations, visual and auditory, making me feel Like its all My fault and its very uncomfortable. Sometimes, I see his eyes staring at me when I close My eyes. I am very distressed on a daily basis. Its very scary. I Talk To My doctor and psychologist daily. I go To work, everything In My life otherwise is great. I believe In forgiveness and compassion. I tell myself that the hallucinations are not real; but they can be very frustrating To cope with when your alone and struggle with Connecting with others. I tell myself that I shouldnt have been drinking, that I should not have let drunk Men into My apartment. Its been hard To know what To do. I feel so scared. I feel complete terror sometimes. This isnt the only problem that im struggling with. I feel Like I sometimes lose My sense of self, he stole My sense of security and safety. I trusted a stranger which was a big mistake; I feel so intruded and violated now. I feel Like my life was threatened again; I have a history of sexual, emotional and physical abuse. And its not easy To cope with all the time. I dont know whats happening To me. I Wonder sometimes was it My fault. I take My respomsibility In it, I shouldnt have been drinking and ive learned My lesson. I try and embrace everything with compassion because I feel so much guilt, and I dont even know why. Everything is very confusing. I can empathize with People Who make mistakes, but at the same time i cant believe that I have To deal with him being near me In hallucinations and feeling like im reliving the trauma. Its affected My health; im stressed out frequ ently, im throwing up and experiencing physical pain and dizziness and disorientation. I experience sudden moments of complete terror and fear of dying. There are moments that its easier To be and I feel normal and safe again, so thats been very comforting just knowing that the bad feeling is not going To Last. Im taking it as a learning lesson. I dont want To try and escape any situation or My True feelings anymore, by engaging In substance abuse or other destructive activities like meeting with strange drunk Men To '' try and move on''. Im trying To calm myself and think very rationally. I focus on a healthy life style and healthy techniques To embrace the problems at hand To really just recover and get through it. Im giving myself all the compassion and understanding a loved one would give; im trying To just calm, love, comfort and Hug myself. These hard emotions, delusions, physical reactions and experiences are just a part of recovering. I am still trusting and am grateful for the good nature of people; ive learned To establish and work on understanding My physical and emotional boundaries. Seeing a psychologist is helping; it definitely helps To get others opinions on it and support. Ive learned To be very cautious from this experience. Its very important To know Who you are emotionally and sexually involved with; In My opinion it takes a very long time To get To know someone. Im focusing on finding only one man and that he would be My life time partner. I understand im going through a hard time. I tell myself To stay strong and have faith In God and In love; God works In mysterious ways. You cant always be prepared for some obstacles, but you have To keep trying. Theres always Hope, and there are always solutions. Its good To focus on the solutions. I go jogging every Day and run until im completely exhausted and read and study different topics In books online; it helps To make me feel empowered. I do have some friends we just havent spoken In a while; I have sent them messages To just reassure myself that im not alone and it has helped and im grateful for that. The hallucinations are so overwhelming, they can make me feel so sad and terrorized, but I tell myself that im allowed To be happy, and that im going To be happy anyway. I deserve To feel loved, safe and happy. I Will get through this. Im grateful for the good things In life. There is always something good coming our way, its good To let go of the past and learn To live In and enjoy the moment. Focus on the positive things In life. The sun Will Come out again. Im just focusing on having patience with everything going on, and just trying My Best. I believe In healing. Its good To live, love and laugh and not take things all too seriously.