Rag doll
Original Story
It was a cold night in 2019 I was at a party while on FaceTime arguing with my on again off again boyfriend of 3 years I was at the party with a mutual friend of ours in the bathroom throwing up from too much liquor as he yelled at me through the phone accusing me of having sex with men at the party in the bathroom even tho I was in there just throwing up. I told my friend I wanted to leave I was not feeling well she said ok, little did I know she was setting me up we left the party I’m in the backseat of her car In & out of it. I hear her on the phone with him he yelling at her through the phone telling her he ran out of gas on the expressway & to come get him ( a lie) I tell her please don’t pick him up we were in the middle of our off phase which usually led to a fight. She ignored me as she drove towards him & I fell asleep. I was abruptly awakened to a slap across my face & to my horror he was in the back seat next to me, I felt a sense of dread over take me I came to & looked around we were parked in front of my apartment my friend sat in the front seat silently as he criticized my outfit & told me I was dressed like A slut asking for it ( I had on a black mini skirt & a big pullover hoodie with tights) he hit me again but this time I swung back defending myself I knocked his glasses off his face & he looked at me filled with rage. I looked down at my hands as 3 of my false fingernails started bleeding I guess i punched him so hard i cracked my nails. He told me “ you gon be sorry u did that” he grabbed me by my hair & yanked me out of the car I tried to hold on to the door because I had a sinking feeling something bad was about to happen , something worse than the usual abuse he subjected me too. I called out to my friend to help me she did nothing as he dragged me out of the car & up the back stairs of my apartment complex I screamed as he pulled on my pony tail like a yo-yo dragging me one flight at a time no one came to save me. He grabbed my lanyard with my house keys from around my neck & used them to open the back door he shoved me inside I fell on the kitchen floor he grabbed me by my hoodie & pulled me into my bedroom our bedroom that we once shared he pulled my hoodie over my head & threw me on the bed, by this point I was pretty sobered up ( I wish I wasn’t so I wouldn’t have to remember this part) he stood over me “ that little a** skirt this what u choose to wear outside? You In the bathroom with other men with that little skirt on?” I diddnt know what to say we fought plenty of times & I saw his rage but never like this he reached down, ripped my tights off & pulled my skirt off all in one motion in that moment he turned into a living breathing MONSTER his pupils dilated & dark he climbed on top of me it wasn’t gentle it wasn’t nice it’s like the whole world stopped I couldn’t hear I couldn’t speak I was nothing I sank into nothingness every stroke sent me deeper into a black void of nothingness the room was pitch black dark the only light coming in from the moon through the window I looked at this monster taking over the shell of the man I once loved I watched him kill my soul slowly. I finally found my voice through the agonizing pain “ please don’t please stop” I pushed on his chest & instantly felt the sharp pain of my broken false nails shoot through my hands. A single tear fell from my left eye he paused he asked me “ why u keep telling me stop like I’m ra**** you?” I replied “ you are get off me.” I felt his body stiffen as he announced “ I have young daughters I don’t play that” he pulled out. I quickly put my self in a fetal position & cried as I Layed on my side shaking. I should have never turned my back on him it angered him he blurted out “ but you think it’s ok for you to go out in such tiny clothes anything could have happened to you.” I Layed there thinking to myself wats worse than this? He seemed to contemplate sparing me for a few minutes but ultimately the monster won again he grabbed me out of my fetal position like a rag doll & put me into a doggy style position I reached back my hand in an attempt to stop him from entering me ignoring the throbbing in my hand “ please I’m sorry for wearing the skirt please don’t” I guess the monster doesn’t have ears he grabbed my hand & pinned both down from my wrist he killed wat little soul I had left I felt myself starting to bleed I drifted away to the moon I left my body sweet relief I was ok I was far away. Bittersweet defeat. When I Came back to my body he slumped over sleep beside me I Layed there awake until the sun fully came up. His phone rang & he woke up & kissed me on the forehead like nothing happened he sat on his phone & FaceTimed his friend as they joked casually about how drunk I was the night before & how he “ diddnt get any” he looked me in my eyes to see if I had any objections I quickly looked down At the blood stained sheets on the bed, a stark reminder it wasn’t all a horrible nightmare & that I was still sitting with my monster. I got up To go take a shower & rinse the embarrassment off my body.. I stand there numb he burst into the bathroom with my phone in hand it’s ringing I look at the screen it’s a call from my ex he instructs me out of the shower & hits me I fall on the bathroom floor naked he stands over me, “ please not again “ I think to myself my spirit is so broken I don’t speak he tells me to unlock my phone I don’t respond I’m frozen trying to brace myself for the monster to come back I look up i recognize the black g** he always carries around he holds it to my head for a split second I wish he would just do it I already feel Like a worthless empty shell laying there naked at his mercy once again. I give him the password he instructs me to tell my ex I never want to speak to him again & that I’m happy I do it. I get up get dressed & dropped him off at his friends house that’s the last time I see him. I move to the house I’m at now & cut communication. Fast forward to 2023 we reconnect I get the courage to confront him about what he did to me we’ve only talked on the phone am I wrong because I still think I love him? He apologized he was my boyfriend my protector I tried to forgive him & move on it was so long ago I feel like if I would not have turned my back on him or wore that skirt he would have not been triggered I know it’s not my fault. Secretly tho some times when I talk to him that night pops up in my head & I lose my breathe I feel sick to my stomach & I can’t breathe about it I get stuck back in my old room until I come back & focus on my breathing I’m getting better I believe tho. I never thought I would be able to tell my story I’ve always felt so embarrassed & ashamed something like this can happen I thought it only happens on law & order. Sorry it was so long but thanks for listening. 💔
1 year later
Still nothing.
I just wanted to come back for an update first of all thankyou for all the support I’ve been receiving so much love from you guys I’m overwhelmed with happiness so thank you again. I was prompted to come back for an update because my monster is currently in prison for another gun charge but will be released in the next 6 months .. I came home to a letter from him yesterday, in the letter he admitted what he did to me in great detail.. he even said the R word which I still struggle to say or come to terms with he says he wants me to stop hating him & how he “still loves me even when it feels like our love is lost” can u guys imagine putting those things together in the same sentence? I can’t shake this sick feeling in my stomach when I read it I felt like I was sinking into my bed as if I turned into a liquid puddle I couldn’t hear anything everything around me disappeared & I hate that he still has that type of power over me & I hate that I’m still weak I hate that I’m still angry I hate every thing about it because it’s like what type of sick game are u playing why would u send me evidence in writing? Is it because you know even with proof I’ll still stay stuck in my bed because of what he did to me I have no boundaries I struggle telling men No because what if I do & they don’t listen & I have to feel like how I feel right now again so I just roll with it then after the fact I feel so empty I walk around empty every day like a shell & this idiot sends me this fake apology letter to show me what? That even tho time has passed.. I’m still nothing. He holds all the pieces of me like I’m a messed up puzzle .. a thing .. I’m still nothing.