My name is {~Survivor~}.
Original Story
When I came forward about my sexual assault I was 18 and still in high school. It’s been almost 7 years now since I first came forward. I was assaulted multiple times for almost a year by a person of authority, a teacher of mine and he was also a member of the local fire department that I was in a program for. This person took my virginity and for months this person abused me. I will never ever forget how scared I felt when this man who was so much older and so much bigger then me forced himself onto me. I will never forget the look on his face. I will never forget the fight I put up. I will never forget the tears that rolled down my face. I will never forget going to the bathroom with blood running down my legs. I will ever forget when I got back home sitting in the scolding hot water in the shower looking down at myself who was now so damaged. I will never ever forget hoping that each time would be the last time. This was a person that I was supposed to have trust in and felt safe around but he used his power to abuse me and control me. He often made remarks saying no one would ever believe me and threatened things that meant a lot to me, my family, future career, and worst of all my life. For almost a year I did what I had to to stay alive and safe. When he first raped me I fought so hard. I screamed but he silenced me, I would bite him but he would bite me harder, I hit him he held me down tighter and hit me back. Eventually with each time that he raped me I just laid there thinking of being somewhere else. Hoping he would just stop. I felt like a zombie stuck there most times. When I came forward I thought things would finally stop and I’d be free. That was not the case even though I wasnt being raped, beat up, and verbally abused and threatend a new pain came from coming forward. When a survivor comes forward their world often comes crashing down with having to give statements, having doctors appointments, people bullying and judging, and in some cases having to go through the legal system for justice which can oftentimes be very traumatic. I had to continually relive my worst days over and over again. I had to encounter years of threats, bullying, and accusations that he was a “good guy” and would never do something like that. I was having to give multiple statements to the police and the school board and was oftentimes questioned on if I had my story correct. This made me feel so terrible knowing they were trying to protect him and doubting me. This was a pain no person should ever endure. Going through almost a year of being sexually assaulted and fighting for my life and then having remarks and actions made like this made me feel so small, weak, and hopeless. For so long I felt so alone and I wish I had known then that sadly I wasn’t and many others have endured similar pain. I share my story today because for so long I was silenced and lonely. Tackling this battle alone was scary and painful. I often regretted coming forward and often times thought of the life I had before. I share my story and my voice for those who are scared, alone, and confused because those feelings I felt I don’t want others to feel. I share my story in hopes to help maybe just one person know that there not alone, know that I see them, I hear them, and I believe them. I will never ever understand why I was raped but I do believe I fought so hard and was strong enough to overcome it because my purpose is to speak out and help others and help change the way rape is viewed when a victim comes forward. I share my story because I want others to see that they too can make it out and that things do get better.