It's not being strong only, it's being a real female
Original Story
Okay... so here we go. I'm now seventeen years old and a so-called weird teenager. My family including my parents think that I don't try to mix with people, I don't trust them, and I tend to isolate myself from everyone and everything. Even at family parties, I keep myself busy on the phone away from the crowd. I don't have any friends, not a lover. It's not like that I don't go to school or I'm always bullied, I go to school and I always stand up for myself, but somedays it's so hard. You don't know what to do when the memory, the past comes back to you, to haunt you. My parents tell me to talk to them if I need something or anything like that, but don't they get it? Don't they know? I was six years old when it happened. No, I was not raped, but I was groped by a worker of my mom's aunt's store of bags. My parents had a pretty good relationship with my mom's aunt's family. We used to go to their place and they used to come to ours often. One day, my parents went to her store along with me. The store was pretty big. It had several rooms too. My parents were talking to her sitting in front of her table while I was just wandering around. There was that guy, maybe he was 22 or 23 that time, who told me that it was too hot in there and told me that the other room is better. I trusted him as I saw him a lot of times before and went with him in the room which was kind of away from the first room where my parents were. The room was not really used as there were some broken and unused things were kept. There was a broken bed too. He closed the door and turned the fan on and sat on the bed. He made me sit on his lap and he took his phone out. He started showing me a sex tape. A SEX TAPE TO A SIX YEARS OLD! What a pervert! The little innocent me didn't know anything about what was going on in his mind. And then I felt a hand... inside my pants. I jerked away from him and looked at him as he asked, "What's wrong?" WHAT'S WRONG???? Everything was wrong. I sensed that whatever he was doing was not right, so instead of replying to him, I told him to open the door. He did so. Maybe he feared that I would scream. As soon as he opened the door, I went to my parents and stood beside them the whole time and did not move an inch. After we came home, I told my parents about everything. My mom called her aunt and told her about it and my mom's aunt said that she would look into the matter. I got older and after some years I realized that I was sexually assaulted. But you know what happened to the man? Nothing. He still works there. Everyone just let go of the matter. Even my parents. Shame on them. Shame on all of them. What did they think? I was lying. A SIX YEARS OLD GIRL WAS LYING ABOUT SOMETHING LIKE THAT. Shame on my parents who believed the pervert instead of their own daughter. Can't they see? Can't they see what that incident made me? Maybe they do now and they always will. That it made me stronger. It made me the tough and strong female I am today. Now when I look back, sometimes I wonder how did I do it and sometimes I feel proud of myself that I didn't give up. I came a long way and I'll keep going. Maybe someday we'll be able to do something against this kind of incident and help the others who have been through something like this. I don't want anyone else to be strong by going through something like this. I want others to have someone who they can trust and love and who will always have their back no matter what. I might be strong today, but some days it's just so hard.