How to listen to a family member reveal their sexual abuse and protect them from it.
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How to listen to a family member reveal their sexual abuse and protect them from it. For many years I have been hiding, hiding in my denial that my father was a sexual abuser. One of my Nieces, an innocent child at the time of the assault, was sexually abused by my father, and I refused to believe her story. I did not accept her story. I believed my father when he stated that he had not abused her. My niece was so young, over 30 years ago, when this happened, and I still feel her pain. I hope that one day she will reach out to me, giving me the opportunity to apologize for not believing in her. To All who have loved ones, friends, and neighbors, believe in them, and assist them in finding the help they need. No person should be required to live with this type of pain for the rest of their lives. Sexual abuse can happen anywhere - in school, church, with friends, parents, relatives, and strangers. On this note, the same person who molested my niece; also molested me for over ten years, and I kept quiet until two years ago when I started speaking about my being molested to a group of men. Listen to your child. Not listening could result in a lifetime of trauma. This hidden story could haunt the child for the rest of their life. I am writing this to help victims of any age so that when ready, they can tell their stories and not go through what I have been going through all my life. As a survivor, I have been carrying a heavy load on my shoulders for many years. Still, I get flashbacks of what happened to me as a child. I do sometimes talk with a counselor when I get these flashbacks. When I was younger, there was no one I could speak with regarding these issues. I am writing to put the information in place to help those seeking assistance. Help all parents and children. We need to be there for them. Listen, and try to understand them. Most of all – Be their Angel.