Groomed in the Workplace
Original Story
The first corporate job I've ever had after college was like something out of a movie. I was young, excited, and wanted to make a big impact in this high energy, exciting industry. I got to travel the world and collect mileage points. A VP I respected recognized my work ethic and befriended me. I asked him to be my mentor because I was having issues with anxiety, depression, and speaking up in meetings. He was quite persuasive and very influential amongst his peers. I was so excited to learn from him. We would travel together for work and got to know each other on a personal level. We'd all get dinner and drinks as a traveling team. When alone, he told me about his struggles with his marriage and how his wife had a similar upbringing to mine. Her parents fought a lot. I told him about my upbringing and how my mom and I never really got along. After a breakup with my boyfriend, he got even closer. He wanted to spend more time with me and I confided in him. Slowly, our conversations would get more personal. He'd ask me who I'm dating and if I'm having sex with them. At this point, our friendship seemed comfortable. He always told me we were friends and that I can trust him. He told me about his sex life and how him and his wife are in an open relationship. He'd get me out to drinks and dinner by myself and ask more personal questions. To be honest, I really liked the attention. He was persuasive and successful. I also really liked fancy drinks and the dinners I got to go to. Little by little, the boundaries blurred more and more and I was drowning in alcoholism, my anxiety increased, and I started getting panic attacks. Then one night, we all went out to karaoke as a team. I blacked out and somehow ended up in a hotel room next to some man from another office. My underwear was still on so I didn't think we had sex. I hurried to get ready and go back to the office. As soon as I got back to the office he asked, "So did you have sex with him?" I was shocked. I froze and didn't say anything. I felt so much shame and I didn't fully comprehend why. I think he took this as a "yes." He started to type away on his phone and walked away laughing. In February 2022, after a couple of years after leaving this company, he called me to check on how I was doing. I took the call because I thought, maybe it was just in my head. One of the first things he asked was, "Are you still sleeping around?" I responded, "You mean 'rape'?" He replied, "You evolved." I then began to tell him off. It was only until this point I realized I had been groomed by a very deceitful man that I thought I could trust. He hasn't contacted me since.