Digging up the past is not always a bad idea
Original Story
I woke up a morning after a night at the bar, in a room I had never seen before, without my pants, and next to a boy I knew only in passing. My last clear memory was receiving and drinking about half of my second drink of the night: a vodka redbull. From there, I recall walking to the door of the bar around 10 PM, and then everything else was completely blank. My mouth was dry and my head was pounding - my vision was so blurry that when I stood up, it felt like I had stepped onto a rotating carnival ride. The boy in the bed rolled over, hungover, and when I panickly asked if anything happened last night, he smiled and said we fooled around for a while until I passed out. I felt so sick to my stomach at that moment that I almost puked. I stumbled down the stairs and out of the house, shivering the whole walk home as I tried desperately to see straight. The hangover was like nothing I have ever experienced before, throwing up for hours into the evening and hoping for death. I am sure that sounds like an exaggeration, but having experienced many, many hangovers before, this one felt like something different. I contacted friends at the second bar I apparently arrived at, and they told me how concerned they were for me, how I could barely stand, how when they asked me to drink some water and sit on a stool, I complied but had no life in my eyes. It was then, that "the boy from the bed" stepped in and offered to take me home. Since my friends were working, they agreed, believing the boy and I were friends. For so long, I felt so much shame about that night. I wanted to crawl into a hole and stay there because the anxiety was so overwhelming. My long-distance boyfriend at the time was understanding, but I could not even bring myself to talk to him about it. In truth, because I had no memory of the night, and it only made the panic and shame bubble up inside me more to think about it. So I locked the event away and decided to move on. But now 5 years later, that night has come back to haunt me. A few months ago, I kept closing my eyes and seeing him smiling in his bed and my lungs felt like they were constricting. I would sit in bed and feel paralyzed, trying desperately to remember a clue. Now, I write about it and talk about the night with friends and other victims. I still feel a lot of anxiety from it, but I no longer feel like a stupid drunk girl.