Original Story
I don’t even know where to start or what to said. I am always trying to convince myself all the time I imagined or I just try to pretend never happened. It just kind of help to not feel the pain, ashamed or just to think this really happened to me. I feel stupid for let it happened but I still feel it was my fault for been irresponsible Dey k and not been able to take smart decisions. But then it feels unfair because I was so drunk that I can’t even remember the whole think and then the horrible feeling of waiking up so scare and confuse on a place that I didn’t have any idea where I was or what really happened. It is been over 20 years and I still remember that scary feeling waking up next day… little but little during the next years having flashes or short memories of what happened but still not recalling the whole horrible night. More in my mind remembering showing up home and telling my mom and going to the hospital for rape kit and the male doctor advising me to just let it go and go back home and think how irresponsible I was for been so drunk. Making me feel worst that I already was and telling me if I really wanted to press charges and then go in public and and face the public scrutiny that will definitely judge me for been an “easy women” going after a club party drunk and just having sex with anyone. I was so discouraged because I never agree to that! I didn’t even remember ever saying yes or even remember what really happened l. Until today I still trying to block this but impacts me every time I hear someone going through this, any media news, any movie or show that shows this. Because I was never aware or told I was a victim of sexual abuse. And until today I still feel it was my fault for putting myself on that situation. It is a very hard thing to leave with. And sometimes having those flashes coming back and fight your brain to go back to block it to not remember more painful details of that horrible night. I was judge for many. Doctors felt me and also society. I feel today I will never be able to recover from this. But I try to leave my life as normal as I can out thing in the back of my brain.