{~Country~}- Rape 2017, {~Name~}
Original Story
Hi my name is {~Survivor~}and this is my sexual assault story. During {~Date~}, I was raped by someone I knew for a couple years and he was not given any consequences because the legal system in my {~Country~} is; well it might as well not exist. My case is still pending in 2023. His name is {~Name~}, he is about {~identifying features~}. His ego is titanic and when I reported the assault, he proceeded to spread the rumor that we were dating for a long time and that I lied about being raped because he 'broke my heart'. Which is funny because before that terrible night, I had not seen him in months and there is no evidence to support his claim. When I reported him, I blocked his phone number, so he proceeded to call everyone in my family going into detail about how he raped me, the fact that he knew I was not in a state of mind to give consent, and every little gruesome detail of what he did to me. My parents recorded his confession and gave it to the police who have yet to do anything. My whole family was and is still not supportive of my healing journey. Especially my unfortunately biological brother, {~Name 2~} {~Name 2 Phone Number~}. Anyway so this week actually he spam messaged me a bunch of hate (as he usually does based on no rational logic). So he is very condescending, aggressive, lacks empathy for others, homophobic, racist, all the great things about society, and this is the newest one he is a wanna-be rapist. Yes, he texted me that he wants to take turns raping me with {~Name~}, yes that's right, my biological "brother". He went into disgusting detail and he knows that I have also been sexually abused as a kid by two alcoholic older men and he said he wants to bring them back from the grave to finish me off because I am a "nasty whore". Then he went on to say how I made it all up for attention and to get things, he said he purchases illegal drugs from my rapist, {~Name~}, he said I belong in a straight jacket, photoshopped a picture of my face onto a straight jacket (because I had and still suffer from severe PTSD, and had past suicidal thoughts). He said he wished I was successful at committing suicide, he called my excellent therapist whom I have the utmost respect for a "crazy person doctor"- yes he doesn't care about the topic of mental health. Fun fact: his current girlfriend used to see the exact same therapist. He is just hateful towards women and I guess wants to start a rape club or something. He is truly an awful person. My grandmother is financially responsible for all of my siblings and myself and he has access to her bank accounts because she doesn't know how to do online banking as she is old, basically he did a full financial take over of her accounts and won't give her the passwords to her own accounts. He now believes her money is his and threatened to make my life hell, blocked me from my grandmother's phone, deleted her chat in WhatsApp that had a lot of important information, against my grandmother's will- elderly abuse. "Men" like {~Name 2~} and {~Name~} are not real men, they are abusive cowards, and I am strong and I have a voice so I'm sharing my story. And I know I put their names there, they can't hide forever. Other survivors of similar sexual assaults and abuse, please feel free to reach out to me to talk, I could use some extra support right now, thank you for reading.