Blood doesn't mean safty
Original Story
My story - I've had a hard time being able to pinpoint exactly when this was happening or what happened first because most of my childhood is a blur My brother was my assaulter. I was about 9 and he was about 12. He asked me if I wanted a massage. Believing that my brother would only give me a massage so I said yes. my brother proceeded to move his hands to my private parts, but I didn't understand what was happening so I didn't stop him. This would happen a few more times but still not knowing that this was a problem I didn't stop him. Then one day I was at my neighbor's house and we were in the basement and my brother suggested that we play a game (where I sat on his lap and he would bounce me up and down). I didn't want to so I told him no but then he turned to my friend who was 7 and asked her if she wanted to play she said yes not understanding the bigger meaning behind the game, I didn't want her to have to go through that like I was so I told him that I would play the game instead of her. So I just let it happen cause if it was not me it would be her. One day I remember waking up from being asleep. I remember not opening my eyes but knowing my brother was in my room. I remember feeling him touch me but not moving so he would get bored and leave me alone. As I got older my mental health started to decline and I had always felt disgusting for letting that happen because I didn't know COCSA (child-on-child sexual assault) was a thing. I felt alone and isolated but I soon found out and learned more about it and finally had a term for what happened. I learned that my brother was a child but he is also my assaulter and this doesn't make my trauma any less than others because he was also a child. He knew what he was doing and he knew that it was wrong but he let it continue. He has ruined my life and even though I feel like I have to forgive him because he is family. I hope he remembers that he took away my innocence. - A716