Acceptance with this dissonance
Original Story
Acceptance with this dissonance. as long as I can remember I was never enough. too much phantasy and def not fitting in society´s expectations. Eventhough I had friends I always felt I don´t really fit in this group. I separated myself a lot. I drank too much, I talked shit and I used people against myself to hurt myself more. Slowly internalising the thoughts that raised in my brain. " you are not good enough" " you will never get got in art so don't do it" "you are unworthy of loving" At age nineteen the real traumas began. My sister got raped and I got raped half a year later. My already broken soul of even prior events got even more hurt and I completely lost faith in myself and in life. I hold on on those negative intrusive thoughts. " you are bad " " you are unworthy of loving" . Always. I got addicted to these thoughts. They prevented myself of living the life I am supposed to live. ( being a creative outgoing spiritual person) and I had depression and no one really realised me. Even I didn't realised it until recently. I never really opened up to people. I always got hurt. Hurt by people I loved. But I wanna open up. I already lost so much. (self-worth) I can't loose so much more. I hope that one day I am gonna be this vibrant shiny girl that I used to be at the age of five. Someone who loves themselves without any doubts. I am ready for my healing journey. I want to share my events. And I am ready to live my life to the fullest. this dissonance. I probably gotta accept in order to live the life I am supposed to live. and that's a loving one!