Original Story
At 13 my mom and her husband were out of town on a business trip. I was supposed to stay at my dads but he wasn’t to be home for a time. My boyfriend at the time was 15. And like the naïve young girl I was I allowed him to our home. He coerced me into showing him my room. Then proceeded to force me into my bed. I told him no over and over and over again.....eventually I said yes. I couldn’t move. Couldn’t escape. I just complied. I have never considered that the day I lost my virginity. I consider it a day that someone stole something that was most sacred to me. — He had the audacity to try and contact me 3 years ago out of the blue. 14 years after he raped me. As if it never happened.....I have been sexually assaulted/physically assaulted by men who wouldn’t take no for an answer 6 times in my life. I hold no trust in men and feel that they all want something from me, just my existence is enough.