This too shall Pass!
Original Story
After it was all said and done. I found myself asking, why not? For I had/have already been molested as a child, sexually harassed on the job and later a kissed took place due to me feeling stuck; so why not one more thing with being sexually assaulted. Thing is it isn’t okay. It isn’t your fault and you did nothing wrong. My hope is when confusion arises that clarity settles and when self doubt surrounds that assurance comforts you. Please know you’re loved, you’re important, you’re valued, you’re victorious, you’re more than a conqueror and you’re so worth it! Let’s see, healing to me is forgiving the one(s) who harmed you, forgiving those who shamed you, blamed you and didn’t believe you and yes forgiving you. The Best is Still and Yet to Come! I love you and please know , I am here too.