Original Story
My parents separated when I was about seven years old. My father took my two brothers, my sister, and me. My mother went off on her own. For a year we lived in a small mobile home, and then my sister and I were sent to live with two different families. My brothers stayed with my father. Sometime thereafter my father got a better mobile home. I don’t remember the details, but I remember my oldest brother inviting me to play in the old and empty mobile home. I was probably 8 and he would have been 13. He proceeded to masturbate in front of me. I remember he also had me remove my panties, and I think he attempted to penetrate me. I think this happened twice. I don’t remember much else and just kind of pushed it into the back of my mind. A number of years later, when we were adults, he said something about how he and I used to mess around and if I remembered it. I said no, even though I did remember it. I then pushed it aside again and proceeded to live my life. He and I maintained a distant but “friendly” relationship through the years, mostly through Facebook. I’ve tried to maintain a sibling relationship with him even though we are politically polar opposites. The 2024 election and the talk of sexual predation etc. triggered my memory of what I know recognize as him molesting me - or was it even sexual abuse? Because of that I decided to cut off my relationship with him. I told him why. I told my sister why, but I didn’t tell my other brother why. The brother who harmed me told my other brother that I hate him because of his politics. I’m wondering whether I should tell my other brother the real reason. And in the mean time, I”m processing all this and coming to understand how it (an other traumatic events in my childhood) resulted in the way I freeze when in challenging settings, my anger especially toward “alpha” men, and how I sabotaged my career by refusing to have confidence in myself and take on leadership roles. I have spent my life trying to be invisible. I’m tired of being invisible. I want to make noise, and I’m angry, and part of me wants to destroy my brother.