Stand strong
Historia original
I am a Survivor. My story is unfortunately like many others and in 2019 was was sexually assaulted by someone I knew, trusted and at one point, loved. I had just moved to a new city to peruse a graduate degree in criminology. He was in town for a concert with friends and I was excited to show him my new life, new apartment, new friends. Later that night the intimacy was different, things quickly escalated and when I expressed that this was not okay and that he needed to stop- well, that is where my story of survival began. But I made it, I drove myself to the ER the next day and I wish I could say I remember the days and weeks after but I don't. A part of me died that night and some days I worry I wont ever get it back. I was so afraid that going to the police would ruin my hopes of a career in criminal justice so I did my best to push on with my life. I decided to focus my education on survivors of violence, managed to get an internship with domestic violence survivors and started my career researching police response to intimate partner violence. 3 years later and I write to you from my new office, in a new city as an advocate for sexual assault survivors. Helping others just like me, being that support I so desperately needed when I thought I was alone. We are not what happened to us, we are not just another statistic, we are not alone in this. I hope that my experience can help me be the best for others because I refuse to let what he did dictate the rest of my life.