Life behind
Original Story
So here it is I was infant when it start happen and I was hurt by my hole family my mom and dad my grandpa and my grandma I was hurt to point that they were so toxic that they beat me when I was baby my grandpa did most the damage and he hurt me so bad that I gave in what he want but not a first he abuse me first then I got my revenge after that he beat me it hard to believe but I know and the fact that I been threw all this they said they did it so did my dad and so did my mom I was devastated because i start see clue like on my face i have cut sence i was child on lip and every single time i look in the mirror i get sad but i know now it feels good open up like this and there alot more i need to say get off my chest but it's so bad that this story I'm about tell you that I was in sex trafficking my grandpa use to have men around me and I would have sex with them because I was under of his command and he use to buy prostitute for me to have sex with them it was bad like he didn't get enough know what to do and how it start it was my first then my mom and then dad for sure and my grandpa and his wife my grandma I feel better letting this out more then ever thank you letting me speak because I didnt have voice and I couldn't find help but now this more then ever thank you