Original Story
Hello beautiful souls. I appreciate being able to release the past even more with some of my story. I now see the unhealthy pattern I was living but didn’t understand it at the time. I had been married & divorced at 26, then married & widowed at 29. My first husband was my high school sweetheart who came from a lot of dysfunction & had anger issues. My second husband had been in the Marines for 6 years & came back with PTSD & had a drinking problem. He had gotten married & divorced before we got together. During our marriage I saw his problems with alcohol in a big way. He got physically abusive one evening & I left shortly after. He attempted suicide with over 100 pills & was in a coma for three months before dying. A year later I accepted a job offer & moved from California to Miami. I was 30 & found a wonderful new life & great friends. Five years later I met a professional guy who seemed so wonderful. We married 6 months later & had two daughters within 3 years. I wanted to go back to California where all my family was. He didn’t support that & things went down hill for the next year. He had started drinking a lot. I told him I wanted to separate. One night he came to our bedroom drunk & said he wanted one last “good one” if it was over. He held his fist over my face. The girls were across the hall asleep. I never argued in front of them & didn’t want them to wake up scared if he got crazy so I just gave in. He tried again later that night but finally left when I threatened to contact his father about what he’d done. I had angels all along though. I divorced him & had a wonderful intuitive judge who gave me full custody after a difficult divorce including court ordered counseling. So it’s no wonder I suppose that I haven’t been big on relationships but I do see that I had lots of lessons to learn in this life. Now I’m a Reiki practitioner & have found my purpose & so much healing. I love healing others now & I’m grateful for all the lessons I needed to find my power & my authentic self. I think I’d call it clarity💗